JT SmilingPrograms and Services

Living His Best Life: JT’s Story

“The approach we’ve taken, the changes we’ve adopted, and the adjustments we’ve made in the home and to his routine all have one over-arching goal: to ensure JT lives the best life possible.”

The author of that quote is Zaire B, Residential Supervisor of one of UCP’s homes in Harrisburg. “JT”—the subject of the quote—is a 28-year-old individual with Autism who lives independently in the home with round-the-clock 2:1 support from a team of UCP staff led by Zaire.

2022 Pathways Graduates with diplomasPrograms and Services

Finding Their Path to Independence

Congratulations are in order… for Morgan, Emily, Dana, and Jenny (l to r above)–the Pathways Academy Class of 2022–who celebrated their program completion and graduation on Saturday, January 22.

The four young women entered the Academy together in June 2020 and spent the duration of their time in the residential independent living program amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that they have successfully completed all the coursework and acquired the life skills needed to live on their own independently speaks volumes about the resilience and heart of these four women.

Programs and Services

Making Access to Assistive Technology “Easy Peasy”

Anthony Smith is another satisfied customer of UCP’s Changing Hands equipment reuse service, and for good reason. The equipment he received restored his mobility and enabled him to carry on with his life. As the effects of Muscular Dystrophy have taken their toll, Anthony found himself without the muscle strength or stamina to navigate a manual wheelchair. Even worse, in the midst of COVID, he faced the uphill challenge of finding someone to assist him in his search for a power chair.

Programs and Services

Real people using real equipment

Each November we make a point of promoting Assistive Technology Awareness Month in general—and UCP’s Assistive Technology Services in particular. We do so because we know firsthand the many ways these devices and services truly do change lives. But the really cool part is being able to share with our supporters the impact this specialized technology can have in the lives of real people using real equipment to do things they otherwise would not be able to do. Today we are excited to feature two such “success stories:”

Programs and Services

Free Special Phone Program Puts the “Assist” in Assistive Technology

Do you miss phone calls because you can’t hear the ringer? Or don’t make calls because you can’t see the numbers to dial? Do you have difficulty hearing what others say on the phone? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to check out Pennsylvania’s Free Special Phone Program (also known as Telecommunication Device Distribution Program or TDDP).

If you are an eligible Pennsylvania resident with a disability that impedes independent access to telephone services, you may qualify to receive specialized equipment FREE OF CHARGE. 

Abby recognized at PAR presentationPrograms and Services

Abby Celesky DSP of the Year 2021

UCP was thrilled to receive word that our own Abigail Celesky was selected as the Central Region Direct Support Professional of the Year in the 2021 PAR “We Are Worth It” Awards! Abby was recognized for her ability to continue to provide home and community supports at a time when she was unable to meet with individuals in their homes or take them out into the community.

Kevin B gives a thumbs up at FlinchysPrograms and Services

Recognizing the value of meaningful employment

At UCP, the concept of diversity and inclusion is nothing new. In fact, we’ve been promoting diversity and modeling inclusion—at home, school, work, and in the community—for nearly 70 years. That’s because we value the contributions made by people of ALL abilities in ALL aspects of life, including employment. So this October, in celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), our message is clear: inclusion means inclusion for all. And it begins with the employer.

From the CEO

Our DSPs ROCK!! And We’ve Got the Stories to Prove It.

“I have been working with an individual for over 20 years, and we have grown together in so many ways. The pandemic was a very different time for everyone. The individual that I work with and I sat down together and discussed this very important time. We talked about the importance of being safe and following all the new protocols for the seemingly new normal. We both decided that we were not going to let this scary time get us down or make us stop spending quality time together; in fact, it would do just the opposite. We decided that we were going to think outside the box and do fun things.” ~ Barb Feaser, DSP, Home and Community Services

Vera and JoshPrograms and Services

Choice for Josh Means “He’s More Himself”

Josh Zimmerman is a participant in UCP’s Agency with Choice (AWC) service model which gives him the freedom to make choices that he believes are in his own best interest. That includes the ability to choose who he hires, what rate he pays, and what schedule he keeps. As a result, Josh chose his mother Vera to be one of his paid support professionals. She says the dynamic of their working relationship has been remarkable.