Congratulations are in order… for Morgan, Emily, Dana, and Jenny (l to r above)–the Pathways Academy Class of 2022–who celebrated their program completion and graduation on Saturday, January 22.

The four young women entered the Academy together in June 2020 and spent the duration of their time in the residential independent living program amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that they have successfully completed all the coursework and acquired the life skills needed to live on their own independently speaks volumes about the resilience and heart of these four women.

Over the course of their 18-month journey at the Academy, a remarkable sisterhood was formed.

Unfortunately, due to the latest COVID-related surge, the on-site graduation celebration was limited to the four participants, their parents, and key Academy staff. Still, that did not in any way diminish the pride and joy in their accomplishments that was felt by all. Extended family members—as well as other supportive UCP staff—joined the celebration virtually as each lady accepted her diploma from Pathways Academy Residential Supervisor Ashley Wormsley. Each was also given a “Survival Kit” which featured a First Aid kit, fuzzy pen and notepad (to create their grocery and “to do” lists), candles, bath bombs, lotion, stress ball, hand sanitizer, refrigerator magnet, and a mug. They also each received a recipe book featuring all of the meals they learned to make while at the Academy.

UCP staff participated virtually
UCP staff participated virtually
Ladies with survival kits
Pathways Academy graduates check out their survival kits
Graduate survival kit
Graduate survival kit


The Next Chapter

Together we have planted the seeds of knowledge that will help you grow forever.Before departing their “home away from home” one final time, Dana, Emily, Jenny, and Morgan took part in what has become a graduation ritual at the Academy. Each claimed her individual space on the Pathways “tree of knowledge” which boasts the fingerprints of all Academy graduates dating back to May 2015.

Graduates with tree picture
Graduates with the “tree of knowledge”

As the photo reveals, the tree has produced lots of good fruit over the years. The class of 2022 was no exception. Emily went directly from the Academy to her own one-bedroom apartment. Dana and Morgan are planning to move into an apartment together as soon as possible. And Jenny is on a waiting list at a living community in her ideal location. We wish them all the very best as they put their newfound knowledge and skills to work in pursuit of life without limits!