The rains that fell in April help us better appreciate the flowers that bloom in May. In the photo above, Blair–a participant in UCP’s Community Participation Supports service–reminds us of that simple truth.

While we may not like the rain, we admire the results it produces. That’s the case with most flowers anyway. The dandelion, however, is a species unto itself, too often looked down on when it pops up in an otherwise well-kept yard. What people frequently fail to see is that the dandelion is unique (and beautiful) in each of its phases—the golden flower, the white puffball, and the star-like spray of seedlings produced by just a slight breath or a gentle breeze. This cheerful little flower can grow—even thrive—in the toughest of conditions, needing only the smallest pinch of soil or the tiniest crack of a sidewalk to sprout forth and grow. More importantly, with proper care and nurturing—the dandelion, just like other flowers of all sizes, shapes, and colors—can grow to its full splendor and potential. Just like people.

Join us as we celebrate the fabulous flowers of May all around us.